699 Windsong Trail
Austin, Texas 78746

Object-Oriented Programming in C#

Course Overview:  C# is a .NET-aware object-oriented programming language that is similar in syntax and style to both C++ and Java.  To make effective use of the language, therefore, developers must understand both the essential elements of object-oriented programming and the realization of those concepts in C#.  This five- day course covers the fundamentals of object-oriented programming in C#.  The course covers both the language and several of the classes available from the .NET framework class libraries.  It illustrates the effective use of object-oriented features such as inheritance and polymorphism.  Numerous exercises and laboratories provide students valuable “hands on” experience with C# programming.

Course Audience:  This course is aimed at anyone wanting to develop applications in C#.  Although it outlines some of the features for graphical user interfaces, this course is aimed primarily at application development.

Course Prerequisites:  Attendees should understand the basics of programming.  No knowledge of C-style syntax, object-oriented concepts, or other object-oriented programming languages is required.

Course Outline:

Introduction:  What .NET is.  A first C# program.  Compiling and running C# programs.  Selected references to other resources.

Basic Syntax:  C#’s lexical conventions.  Types and implicit and explicit type conversion.  Operators and control flow statements.

Classes and Objects:  The concepts, syntax, and semantics for classes.  Defining fields, methods, and properties.  Instantiating objects.  Initializing objects with constructors and initializers.  Encapsulating fields.  Enumerations.  Static fields and methods.

Specialization and Inheritance:  Class specialization through subclassing.  Inheritance of implementation.  Calling superclass constructors and methods.  The five levels of access (public, protected, private, internal, and the combination of internal and protected).

Type Promotion and Polymorphism:  Overriding methods in subclasses.  Type promotion (or “upcasting”).  Downcasting and the “is” operator.  Polymorphism.  How a subclass must obey the superclass contract.  Abstract classes and methods.  Sealed classes.

Miscellaneous Class Topics:  The Object class.  Structures versus classes.  Comparing objects for value equality.  Forms of parameter passing.  Copying objects.

Arrays and Strings:  Arrays and strings as objects.  How to create and use instances of each.  Strings versus StringBuilders.

Interfaces:  Interface specialization through the definition and implementation of interfaces.  The use of classes versus interfaces.  Why C# permits multiple inheritance of interface but only single inheritance of implementation.  Using interfaces to define roles objects play.

Delegates and Events:  Defining delegates to encapsulate method references.  Defining events and event handlers.  The relationship between events and delegates.

Namespaces and Assemblies:  Namespaces as a mechanism for organizing classes.  Defining and accessing namespaces.  A summary of some of the standard .NET namespaces.  Defining and using assemblies.

Attributes:  Assigning and using attributes of types and assemblies.  Pre-defined attributes.  Defining custom attributes.

Basic Data Structures:  Using the data structure classes in the Collections namespace (Queue, Stack, ArrayList, Hashtable).  The 2.0 generics.  Arrays versus lists.  Using Enumerators to iterate over lists.

Input and Output:  The classes in the System.IO namespace for reading and writing files and memory areas.  Reading and writing characters and bytes.  Object serialization.

Exceptions:  Throwing and catching exceptions.  Defining custom exception classes.  Using exception information to recover from exceptions.

Threads:  The concept of threads (versus processes).  Creating and starting threads.  Object synchronization.

The .NET Platform:  A brief overview of the .NET platform.

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Last Update: 05/17/07